Patrick Schuler 苏乐 ‘s career spans across three continents in the past twenty years. He demonstrated his strategic planning, entry strategy, external growth, investment and product management skills while working with Hewlett-Packard Germany, Siemens USA, Alstom Grid & Idinvest China, and LEM & COMET Switzerland.
At COMET, he is a global intrapreneur helping the company to enter and expand the service, battery and semiconductor market via organic growth, M&A and partnerships. Patrick launched the new star product and service function of COMET PCT: Synertia, the plasma control platform; this achievement rewarded him the top talent award. As corporate innovation scout, he was invited to evaluate startups at Berkeley Skydeck, Imperial Enterprise Lab and Geneva-Tsinghua initiative. While at LEM, he launched the new Smart Grid sensor range and Smart manufacturing initiative. Among his seven years in China, he was the Asia venture partner in Shanghai for Idinvest Electranova Capital (EDF CVC fund) and co-founded SmartEcoCity with EDF and Tsinghua x-Lab, an open-innovation cleantech platform. The portfolio include Enlighted (Smart building acquired by Siemens), Leosphere (Wind lidar acquired by Vaisala), Forsee Power (Smart battery now IPO), Sunfire (Fuel Cell now Series D) and Actility (IoT now Series D). In Beijing, he drove the China entry strategy for Alstom Grid EMS, substation automation and HVDC BU. He also evaluated startups for the Alstom & Schneider-Electric Aster Capital CVC fund and chaired the European Chamber of Commerce Smart Grid group. Prior to China, he started his career at Hewlett-Packard Germany then spent five years in the Silicon Valley at Siemens as software, IT & project manager. He is a board observer at Axelor (Low-code ERP SaaS).
Patrick is a dual MBA graduate from HEC Paris and Tsinghua University–MIT Sloan Beijing, alumni of IMD and UC Berkeley by executive trainings. He also holds an information system & electrical engineering master degree from ESIEE Paris and an Applied Physics bachelor degree from IUT Annecy. He speaks German, French, English and Chinese. His values are PSc – Perseverance, Serenity, courage.
苏乐曾任职于惠普德国公司、西门子美国公司、中国阿尔斯通(Alstom, 现通用电气General Electric)、法国翼迪投资(Idinvest Partners)、及瑞士莱姆电子(LEM)。现职瑞士康姆艾德机械设备(COMET)。在上述公司就职期间他拥有超过20年的战略规划、进入战略、有机与外部增长、项目管理、投资和建立合作伙伴关系的丰富经验。出生于瑞士,苏乐自巴黎HEC、北京清华大学经济管理学院 、与麻省理工学院剑桥分校获得MBA双学位。他并拥有巴黎高等电子与电工技术工程师学校(ESIEE)的信息系统和电气工程师硕士学位;能说德语、法语、英语和中文。2014年苏乐自中国返回瑞士任职莱姆电子,推出全新的LEMCity传感器系列,并领导公司的数码转型。目前他是康姆艾德机械设备的内部创业者,负责拓展全新与现有的半导体市场。苏乐于2012年至2014年间在上海为翼迪投资与法国电力(EDF)的风险投资基金负责投资亚洲地区的清洁科技初创企业,并与他人共同创建智能生态城(SmartEcoCity),一个促进发展智能城市并为初创企业提供融资的平台。2008年至2012年,他在北京领导阿尔斯通的智能电网与智能城市的进入战略,为拓展中国市场收购一家自动化公司,同时为阿尔斯通与施耐德电气(Schneider-Electric)的风险投资基金评估投资标的。他同时担任北京欧洲商会智能电网工作组主席。进入中国市场前,当互联网与半导体正迅速发展期间,苏乐在美国硅谷西门子工作5年,负责软件、数据及项目管理。